
"in an assassination crisis the anti-human and reactionary forces tend to solidify their prejudices and to use all ruptures as a means of knocking natural Freedom off the goddamned end seat at the bar."

"I'm also told by the God-fearing that I have 'sinned' because I was born a human being and once upon a time human beings did something to one Jesus Christ. I neither killed Christ or Kennedy." 

“those little headshrinkers… saying this is so because your mother had a clubfoot and your father drank and a chicken shitted in your mouth when you were three years old and therefore you are a homosexual or a punchpress operator. Everything but the truth: simply that some men feel bad because life is bad for them the way it is and it could easily be made better.”

"they hang in the parks with the Che idol, with pictures of Castro in their amulets, going OOOOOOOOMMMMMOOOOOOOMMM while William Burroughs, Jean Genet and Allen Ginsberg lead them. these writers have gone, soft, cuckoo, eggshit, female – not homo but female – and if I were a cop I’d feel like clubbing their addled brains myself."

— Charles Bukowski

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